Friday, July 6, 2007

Live Earth - How Fitting!

It never dawned on me that when I decided to create this blog today a global concert event called Live Earth was starting up tonight. Whirly Twirly Planet = Live Earth. Get it? Yeah...well anyway...

So I'm currently on my laptop sitting in front of the big screen TV, stereo on for surround sound, watching the Live Earth feed from The Land Down Under. Tokyo's concert has just kicked in as well. So far I haven't heard of any of the groups performing but I pretty much like what I see and hear. The message around Live Earth is being aware of our planets environment and doing our part to prevent global warming. My part will be to turn off the big screen TV, stereo, and computer when I decide to go to sleep. Oh, I have done other environmental efficient things such as using energy-saving light-bulbs and insulating our hotwater tank. Have you done anything to help Mother Nature? Post in the comments section if you like.

I'm also planning to start up a game of WoW or EVE or both now that the kids are in bed. Still deciding and watching the concert while procrastinating. I run a guild in WoW that presently has four members including myself. We are called "The Guildless". I love the oxymoron of that. However my usual adventuring partner is doing real-life (RL) things tonight so I may have to go solo. I'll talk about WoW in more detail in a later post when I have time. I'll also talk about EVE as it currently is my favorite game of the two mmo's. If you play WoW and are on the Duskwood realm (a.k.a. server) look up Verlane. If you happen to play EVE then look up Verlane (how original) Succorso. Stories on the names I use to follow later.

Alright, gotta get gaming in my minimal window of time. I also need to get up early tomorrow to help some relatives and then watch Wimbledon. Yay! It's the weekend!

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